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    Our Research, Is Your Future

    The secret meteor research center of scientists


    MRF Corporation is known as a research facility that makes electricity and we know it as a research game. MRF Corporation was founded in 1986 by Dr. James and Dr. Martin. They both are creating ideas to make a research site game on the Roblox platform.

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    Beta version Logo

    2014 - 2017

    The beta version of MRF facility

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    Alpha version Logo

    2017 - 2020

    The alpha version of MRF facility

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    Old Logo

    2020 - 2023

    The old logo of MRF Facility

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    Currently Logo

    2023 - 2024

    The current logo of MRF facility

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    Met our features in the game. MRF Corporation

    Care about users and gameplay efficiency.

    If you wish to report any errors, please send us the report in the contact system.


    Explore what features we got in the game

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    Reactor Monitoring System

    Reactor monitor systems to

    make you know the condition of the reactor

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    Research Center

    Meteorite research center

    for a scientist+

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    RP With Players

    RPing in-game with others

    RPing is included in MRF Facility and it's forced for a realistic game-play

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    Anti-Cheat 24h monitor

    Auto Anti-cheat detector

    always monitor suspicious client/activity for 24hours

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    Always Up-to-date

    The game will always

    up-to-date after developer release updates

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    Bug report in console panel

    The bugs will got report in

    Developer Console panel if it detected bugs

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    Control your event

    Control the reactor

    Control the reactor for events and situation what you want it to be

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    Fight Gameplay Included

    Shooting game-play are

    including in the game (Fighting Between Raider and Security)


    MRF Corporation will receive your questions and answer all your questions as needed



    You could follow MRF Corporation or Founder if you want any updates from the developers team!

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    MRF Roblox Group

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    Follow our Founder here!

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    Join our discord community server!

    (Unavailable Right Now)

  • Councils Of MRF

    Councils of MRF hold all controls in their hand and they make sure that everything in the facility is operated and functional. These executives always have a weapon [Deagle] in their hand. Either, the councils of MRF or staff always target the threats [Exploiter/Cheat Client] and keep their game safe from these threats. Either, they got the panel that could control the facility and players.

    Administration Room

    In the administration control room, only councils+ can enter this room. The Administration Room can control everything in the facility including reactor controls and events. Sometimes, there's a mistake of enabling events by accident.

    Reactor [M.I.F.R.]

    "The reactor of the MRF Facility" as we know it is a Meteor Injection Fusion Reactor that creates energy for the facility and the cities. All of the reactor operation employees work in the Reactor Control Room [MCR].


    "The history of MRF Facility" In 1945 there was one person called "Dr. James" (Original known as the founder of MRF) he thinking of making an energy research facility game on the Roblox platform so he decided to ask his friend to help him, his friend is "Dr. Frank" (Original known as the Co-Founder of MRF) and "Dr. Martin" (Original known as the Co-Founder of MRF [RETIRED])

    Both of them start to make the game through the developer studio known as "Roblox Studio". In 1968, Dr. Martin decided to retire from the MRF development team due to he got busy with another thing in his life. In 1984 - 1996 their game almost completed. They decided to find more developers to make the game develop faster. Now, 2007. Their game was successfully finished and published it to make the players on Roblox platform play their game.